Go Old School For A Healthier Popcorn Snack

Recent studies have shown that chemicals and scents used in the packaging of microwave popcorn may not be healthy for people.  However, popcorn is healthy way of getting fiber into your diet.

Do you remember how we used to make popcorn? Try this old fashion way of making popcorn...it is a bit magical...that so much comes from so little!

Simply buy your popcorn kernels.  Get a deep pot, pour a layer of oil into the bottom of that pot. Add a layer of kernels to cover the bottom of the pot.  Cover the pot.  Turn up the heat to medium high.  Stay close!  Occasionally slide the pot back and forth.  Within 3 minutes, the popping should be happening full force. Once the popcorn is done, the popping will slow down. 

Pour the popped popcorn into a bowl and season as you choose.  I like to add olive oil, sea salt, parmesan cheese and thinly chopped arugula. 

What are some of your favorite ways to season popcorn?

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