Should You Ask Santa to Bring You a Pair of Those Barefoot Running Shoes?

 You probably have seen those strange looking running shoes that look like gloves for your feet - most commonly the Vibram.  The Vibram and other minimalist running shoes aim to change the way a runner strikes the ground.  Research has begun to show that forefoot striking - which occurs with barefoot running or with minimalist running shoes - may decrease collision forces as the runner's foot hits the ground than when compared to the heel strike pattern that occurs with a runner wearing well cushioned running shoes.

This decrease in collision forces with forefoot striking is due to a number of factors:

1.  Pre-activation of muscles, especially those supporting the foot's arch

2.  Decrease length of time spent in the striking phase of running

3.  Decrease stride length

4.  Increase stride frequency

5.  Decrease rigidity of the leg with increase range of motion seen at the ankle and knee

All of these factors may also contribute to the fact that forefoot striking runners use 5% less energy than heel striking runners. It is important to note that if you decide to change to a forefoot running pattern to ease into this change.  Otherwise, injuries may occurs. 

This article is not meant to recommend a brand of shoes but rather to enlighten the public to a growing trend and the possible benefits of forefoot striking while running.  Obviously barefoot running can be done without footwear.  However, minimalist footwear will decrease the occurrence of puncture wounds or other issues that may occur when not wearing protection for your feet while running.

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