Win at Fitness!
The patented Handiband does it ALL:
- Adjustable to your height & space
- Secure anywhere inside door jambs - handle out or loop out
- Attach to foam rollers
- Everything is connected! NEVER forget a handle, loop or anchor
- Great for physical therapy home exercise programs
Grab & go Handiband!
Created by a P.T.
A cornerstone of physical therapy is to empower clients to take charge of their health with targeted exercise programs. Handiband will help you on this fitness journey!
By adjusting the length of the Handiband you can create more or less resistance - it evolves with you!
Great for the whole family - from the tall to the petite!
100% Customizable
Tailor to your needs!
Leg exercises
Arm exercises
Foam roller exercises
Pilates exercises
Balance exercises
Door exercises
Love it, or receive a full refund on all purchases
FAQ's for Single Orange Handibands
Why buy one orange Handiband?
- It is the recommended resistance level for the exercises in the Corrective Shoulder Exercises Book
- It is great option for physical therapy home exercise programs
- It is the most economical option for a resistance band system
- Unsure of which resistance level to get - get one of each.
What is the difference between the green & orange?
The orange Handiband is lighter in resistance than the green option.
It is similar to the the resistance of a red Theraband®
If you have neck and shoulder issues, it the resistance level to start with.
Will the Handiband break?
Unfortunately, yes.
The elastic strap is thicker and more durable than other resistance bands. However, with extended use the strap will break.
Replacement straps are available for purchase on this site - making the Handiband a sustainable option!